Blog Archive

Monday, April 29, 2019

Yarn of the Sailors

The image is taken from Pixabay. 

The waves were still
As the ship glided
On the onyx waves
Randomly shimmering silver
In the pearly moonlight.

Cards and bottles on the desk 
They sat in a circle
Singing in hoarse voices
The songs of valor, pride, and sea
Spinning tales of mermaids and sirens. 

'Her emerald eyes, ruby lips
Soft as raspberries,
The tail shining like diamonds
She beckoned to me
Promising to show the buried treasure.'

'Fire at her fingertips,
Honey in her voice,
She swayed with the waves,
Her curves promising surprises,
Only if I brought her the head of the three-eyed monster.'

Laughter echoed in the silent night
Until, one after another 
The sailors sunk 
Into their cold beds
Tired and lonely in the middle of the sea.

Each night the yarn spun
Weaving a web of intrigue
Around the sailing ship
Unknown to the sailors
As sirens and mermaids followed them home. 

Yarn also means the stories a sailor invents to pass time. So you see what I did here. :)
 Just another day to go.

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