Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ode to the Owl

The image is taken from Pixabay. 

Out in the dark night, you perch on a treetop 
Awake when the rest of the world goes to sleep
Staring at me through the grills of my window
Saving me from vile.

They could chant all spells of ancient black magic
Weaving a strong web of sinister motives
Nothing can touch me as long as you are here 
Wide-eyed protector.

What is it that binds you and me together
The hidden secrets of the shadowy night
An unrevealed link from a previous life
My friend forever. 

Owls are cute looking birds (at least to me). They have this subtle sinister edge to them making them appear a little creepy at times.
The poem is written in Sapphic Ode style. The first three lines of each stanza have 11 syllables each the last lines have 5.

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