Blog Archive

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day 6: Limerick


A limerick is a humorous poem with five lines and a rhyme scheme of AABBA. The poems are usually silly, funny, quirky, bawdy, and rude. In a traditional limerick, the first, second, and fifth lines are longer and contain seven to ten syllables while the third and fourth are shorter and have five to seven syllables. In modern versions, the syllable count is more flexible, though the line sizes are maintained.

PC: Pixabay

Format: Five lines (1, 2, and 5 longer than 3 and 4)

Rhyme: AABBA

 My Poem

The missus in green and red had it enough of the mister

Grabbing a glass and two bottles she poses like a twister

Margarita, gin, tequila, and bloody mary

Do yourself a favor, and don’t you marry

Oh, forget the wastrel mister; it is time for a party, sister!


This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon.


  1. Beautiful Sri
    Whole day and night I worked like a donkey
    Only to know that I'm no more than a monkey
    health and wealth became a filth
    and I looking for my secure plinth
    o gosh! I strapped for a trip to mountain rocky

    I am not a good limerick. I tried, inspired by your writing.

    1. Hey, this is good! I'm in awe of writers who can weave a poem or story impromptu. :D Thank you.
