Blog Archive

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day 4: Lune


A lune is a shorter variant of Haiku created by Robert Kelly. It has three lines and thirteen syllables (5-3-5). Another version of the lune poem was created by Jack Collom with three lines and eleven syllables (3-5-3). Both forms are similar to Haiku and can be used to create a standalone poem or a chain for any topic.

PC: Pixabay

Kelly Version

Format: 5-3-5 syllables

Rhyme: Not mandatory

My Poem

Little lady sits

An empress

Ruling the forest


Collom Version

Format: 3-5-3 syllables

Rhyme: Not mandatory

My Poem

Dainty doll

Red and black; tiny



This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon.

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