Blog Archive

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day 3: Hauki Poem

A Haiku is a Japanese poetry format with three lines and seventeen syllables. Each line has a specific syllable count (5-7-5). It is one of the oldest poetry forms (from the 17th century) and is traditionally written about seasons, time, landscape, etc. However, modern Haiku can be about anything you want. A series of Haiku poems can be written to form a Haiku chain that discusses a series of ideas or the same topic. 

PC: Pixabay

Format: 5-7-5 syllables

Rhyme: Not mandatory


My Poem

Green, yellow, red, brown

Sacred journey of a leaf

From spring to autumn


This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon.


  1. Sacred journey of the leaf - oh wow I loved this line. It captures so many things in a simple way. Birth, journey, death, continuity, circular nature...brilliant.
