Blog Archive

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day 5: Acrostic


An acrostic (uh-krahss-tik) poem is where the letters of a word or phrase are used as the first letters for each line in the poem. It is a popular style not only in poems but also in puzzles and prose. The poem can be of any length and deal with any topic/ theme. Those who want to experiment can write different styles of acrostic poems using the last letters of the words, placing each letter in the middle of the lines, etc.

PC: Pixabay

Format: One letter/ alphabet at the beginning of the line that together for a word/ phrase vertically

Rhyme: Not mandatory

 My Poem

Tender sapling unfurls from a cracked nut

Rising above the earth, aiming to touch the sky

Embarking on a journey spanning years

Enchanting, when grouped to form a forest  


This post is a part of the Blogchatter Half Marathon.

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