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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

V for Varuna’s Sabha - Mahabharata Mashup


Narada described various celestial courtrooms (Sabha) to Yudhistira during his visit to Indraprastha for the first time. This event took place in Sabha Parva. We have seen Brahma’s Sabha, Dwaraka, Indra’sSabha, and Kubera’s Sabha until now.

Varuna is the god of rain, water, ocean, seas, rivers, etc. His Sabha is called Pushkaramalini and was built by Vishwakarman, the celestial architect. True to his powers, Varuna’s Sabha is located underwater (in an ocean) and has the right temperature for everyone to thrive. It has white walls and arches and is the same size as Yamadharmaraja’s Sabha (we’ll do this next). 

The Sabha is surrounded by celestial trees with gemstones, lovely blooms, and fruits. Plants of all colors - turquoise, yellow, black, purple, white, and red can be found in this Sabha. Exotic birds are also a part of it. The sweet melodies of the birds fill the Sabha.

The rooms are large and artfully decorated to suit Varuna’s taste. He is accompanied by his queen Varuni and lords over the Sabha with many heavenly creatures, beings, rishis, kings, and gods. For example, the Nagas are predominantly found in his Sabha. Similarly, Kings like Bali, Prahalada, Naraka, and many daityas (anti-gods) are also present. 

The oceans, seas, and rivers are a part of Varuna’s Sabha, along with lakes and tiny ponds. All aquatic creatures can be seen in this Sabha, sharing space with the Gandharvas, Yakshas, and apsaras. Varuna’s minister Sunabha, with his sons and grandsons, waits on him near the holy place of pilgrimage called “Gau” or Puskara.

Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? 

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z.

The AI images are made on Bing.


  1. Absolutely, it sounds mesmerizing! The vivid description of Varuna's Sabha as an underwater realm adorned with celestial flora and inhabited by diverse and mythical beings truly captures the imagination. It's like stepping into a magical underwater kingdom where every element and creature echoes the majesty of the god of waters.

  2. Wonderful descriptions, Sri. Pity, us mortals can't visit these sabhas.
    Missed reading your posts. Catching up now. ❤️

    1. Thank you, Pri ❤️
      Would be wonderful if we could enter those sabhas!
