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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

B for Brahma’s Sabha - Mahabharata Mashup


In Sabha Parva of Mahabharata, Mahamuni Narada visited Indraprastha after the palace and the illustrious Mayasabha were constructed. After the initial greetings, Yudhistira, the oldest Pandava brother, asked Narada to describe the different Sabha’s (palace courtrooms) he visited on the earth and in the celestial realms. Narada described many exquisite Sabhas (some of which are included in my Mahabharata Mashup series). 

Bhagavan Brahma is one of the Trimurtis (Holy Trinity) in Hinduism and the creator of the universe. 

Narada told Yudhistira that Surya Deva (Sun God) advised him to do tapasya to gain access to Brahma’s sabha. When he did, Sura Deva himself took Narada to the Sabha. 

Brahma’s Sabha is described as – 

A place impossible to describe and with indeterminate dimensions as it shape-shifts constantly. Nothing in the world compared to it. However, anyone who enters Brahma’s Sabha is happy. Hunger, thirst, confusion, fear, tension, and neurosis disappear. The temperatures are perfect; neither hot nor cold. 

The Sabha has no foundations. There’s no beginning or end. It is eternal and has its own radiance brighter than the sun’s dazzle. In the center sits Brahma, protecting the universe with his maya. The Prajapatis sit around, along with the celestial rishis, the sun, the moon, the eight branches of Ayurveda, the Adityas, Marutas, Viswakarman, the Vasus, the Vedas, the Vedangas, the planets, the constellations, the cosmic wheel of time (Kala Chakra), the seven classes of pitrs (ancestors), the Nagas, the Daityas (anti-gods), the Yakshas, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, etc. 

It’s a place where everyone finds peace, happiness, and safety, protected by the creator of the universe. 

You will notice that many celestial beings are mentioned as a part of other heavenly Sabhas. That’s because they belong everywhere and need to be in different Sabhas at different times to keep the universe going. 

Note: Mahabharata has many mentions of Brahma when discussing stories from the Puranas. Check out this story about how Brahma pacified Agni after his dispute with Rishi Brighu. 

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z.

The AI images are made on Bing.


  1. The way this scene of Brahma's Sabha is depicted with pics and writing, it is amazing. The detailed explanation takes us to a place where there are no worries about the world. It captures the calmness and divine presence found in Hindu gods. Learnt a new thing today.

  2. Loved your depiction of the Brahma Sabha. I have been interested alot in know about Hinduism and landing on your blog is a step towards this learning :) Beautifully explained .

    1. Thank you, Kapila. :) I hope the path aligns for you.

  3. I love that description, especially the ever-shifting part :)

    The Multicolored Diary

  4. I could visualise Brahma Sabha by the way you have painted it with your words. Great work! Please do check out my blog here:

  5. Beautiful description of Brahma Sabha. I need to calm down and achieve a greater balance so as to come close to that state.

  6. love the description of the brahma sabha. YOu are doing a wonderful job, sri. and those images. Uff.
