Blog Archive

Monday, January 1, 2018

Erasure Poem

Happy New Year 2018!

So this is the first challenge of the new year and the site ( has made a few changes to the weekly challenges. :)

For the poetry challenge, we have to write an Erasure Poem and let me tell you, it is fun.

I took a page from PG Wodehouse's Damsel In Distress book and made a poem out of it.

A City Morning

Singing canaries were out,
cats washed themselves on doorsteps,
waiters peered from the windows,
the sun shone with a genial smile.

Guardian of the stage door,
emerged from the glass case
to observe life,
with an indulgent eye.

His job was a permanent one,
he felt nevertheless, a proprietary interest.
When a musical piece made a big hit,
he had a warm regard for the composer.


  1. Wow, that worked out very well! You pulled an amazing poem out of that page. I have never tried this before, but thanks for the inspiration!

  2. On a cold day like this one here, your city morning sounds lovely.

  3. Well done for tackling an erasure poem! They're such fun, aren't they?

    1. Thank you. :) Oh yes! I totally enjoyed get this out.

  4. Well done extracting a story poem from the original text. Not easy, I bet, but certainly fun! :D Well done.

    1. Thank you. :) Yes, it was fun. Not easy, but not hard either.

  5. Nice job. It made me long for spring since I'm in the middle of a winter blizzard!

    1. Thank you. :) Ahh.. It's cold for us and well, but is round the corner.

  6. "Emerged from the glass case" was an interesting image.

  7. Neither was I, but I totally loved the concept and am willing to try it again. :)
