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Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Body by the Henhouse by Kate Wells - Book Review - Blog Tour

Series: Malvern Farm Mystery #3

Publication Date: 12th June 2024

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Genre: Small Town Cozy Mystery

4 stars

One Liner: Well done!

Book Blurb:

The time for celebrations is over…

Jude Gray’s farm is going from strength to strength, and even though her grumpy neighbor has concerns about the new campsite in the lower field, she is undeterred.

When a hen party arrives for a weekend away, she does her best to cater for their celebrations. But with a sheep needing urgent care – an accidental mishap or something more nefarious? – she finds herself consulting the group, which coincidentally contains four vets.

When one of the hens goes missing, it becomes clear there are more sinister forces at play, and someone is targeting her farm. With the help of close friend Detective Inspector Binnie Khatri, Jude once again dons her amateur sleuthing hat.

They uncover a web of deceit, affairs, and rivalries, but will they find the perpetrator before events turn murderous?


My Thoughts:

The story comes in Jude’s third-person POV.

Book three of the Malvern Farm Mystery is possibly the best until now. The pacing is steady. There are enough twists to keep the reader guessing about the culprit and the reason.

The ‘murder’ doesn’t happen for a long time. However, one of the characters disappears. This adds to the drama as we see the undercurrents between the women almost from the introduction.

However, the book is not limited to a mystery. It also deals with the difficulties of farm life, be it the rising expenses or crop damage due to various factors. The work is never-ending on a farm.

Lucy and Sebbie are, of course, a part of the book. Little Sebbie is four (already!) and adds the much-needed humor to the mystery. We get a few insights into Jude’s thoughts and uncertainties about the future.

There are five women in the hen party, which can be confusing but doesn’t. Each of them has a distinct personality. They are flawed, some more than others. That means it is easy to take sides (and want certain characters to be bumped off).

DI Binnie has a lot of work to do in this book, which I really like. Though it is Jude who connects the dots, Binnie has an active role and provides some vital information. I love how assertive and steady she is.

Jude’s arc is much better in this one though she still jumps to conclusions at times. However, that makes her real instead of perfect, so no complaints. Seems she did learn her lesson after what happened in book two.

The other side characters like Granny Margot have small but important roles in the plot.

To summarize, A Body by the Henhouse is an enjoyable mystery with enough twists to keep you hooked. The ending offers two surprises, so I’m excited to see where it goes next.

Thank you, Rachel's Random Resources and Boldwood Books, for eARC. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book. 



P.S: Some sheep are poisoned but don’t worry. They are all alive and healthy. I appreciate that.


Author Bio – Kate Wells

Kate Wells is the author of a number of well-reviewed books for children and is now writing a new cozy crime series set in the Malvern Hills, inspired by the farm where she grew up.

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This has been a stop on the #ABodyByTheHenhouse blog tour by Rachel's Random Resources. (@rararesources) Thanks for stopping by! 


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