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Monday, August 26, 2024

Cage of Bones by Jenny O'Brien - Book Review

Series: Detective Alana Mack #3 

Publication Date: 16th August 2024 

Genre: Police Procedural 

4 Stars 

One Liner: A solid read 

When human bones are found in a crab pot, Detective Alana Mack finds it an odd case. With help from science, they find the victim’s identity. However, Alana is injured in a random attack and the case gets complicated as new clues emerge. Seems the victim has connections to a previous cold case. As more bodies turn up, Alana needs to solve both cases fast. 

The story comes in the third-person POV of Alana (max.), William, and a couple of other characters for a chapter or two. 

My Thoughts: 

The third book with Alana Mack has a highly complicated plot. It starts with bones in a crab pot but takes many turns to end up somewhere else. Luckily, the progress isn’t jumpy or haphazard. 

It helps that the MC has no idea about fishing terms and processes. This makes the explanations a part of the narrative without seeming like it’s only there for the readers.  

We have a new addition, rather two new additions but one of them is a dog (Wally), so he gets the limelight. I wish Wally continues to be a part of the series. He is a darling! The other addition is a new member, Eve, in the MC’s team. Tensions increase right away. Have to see where it’ll lead. 

There are possibly some minor developments in the MC’s personal life. We get a little more information about her past and the reason for her presence in a wheelchair. She is a no-nonsense (bordering on rude) person but is good to see her indulge in a couple of emotions at times. Her character is going great so far. 

I did figure out the killer before the team did and liked that I was right. Some of the actions seem OTT, which does align with that character’s persona, so no big deal. 

While I have always liked Paddy, William is giving a good fight to take the first place. He is a smart lad and would excel in the field. He loves Wally, which is another huge point in his favor.

The series does feel like it has solidified with this one. I hope the momentum continues. Of course, I’m not sure about the track with attacks on Alana. Will it be something that connects to her backstory or future books? Have to wait and find out I guess. 

The author’s note was an interesting read and provided an insight into her writing process. I always enjoy such snippets shared by authors. Won’t say more as I don’t want to reveal the spoilers. 

To summarize, Cage of Bones is a well-crafted and executed police procedural with many twists and turns. It’s a bit on the slower side but doesn’t get boring at any point. Looking forward to the next one. 

Thank you, NetGalley and Storm Publishing, for eARC. 

#NetGalley #CageofBones

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