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Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Day Where Past and Present Coexist!


So, I promised my school friends at our recent reunion that I would write a poem about it. This is dedicated to them! 

Twenty! The word weighs heavy and poignant 

Making us wonder if time flew by or crawled past 

From the days of uniforms, hangouts, and annoying fights 

To grow up into adults with stressful lives 


A day to meet, to become a child again 

A trip into the past, one-way time travel 

But with adult responsibilities attached to the hip 

Rose-tinted glasses which become olive branches 


So full of laughter, hugs, cheers, and boos 

Of course, a dash of tears, a touch of nostalgia 

Brimming over the edges, cascading like waterfalls 

Or the burst of showers, a fitting finale to a day well spent 


Changes everywhere, loss and gains 

Highs and lows, rock bottoms and mountain tops 

All left outside the little bubble that grew bigger

Embraced each of us, managing not to burst 


Good things come to an end, but do they have to? 

The answers are maybes and if nots- vague and wistful 

And so it stays, dormant for now but nurturing with hope

Until the adults become kids again, in another school reunion 
