Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Glass Bowl

The image is taken from PetGuide website. 

My world was small and bare
As I kept swimming in circles

A handful of pebbles at the bottom
As I kept swimming in circles

Sad and dull, moody and sulking
As I kept swimming in circles

All alone, I owned the house
As I kept swimming in circles

gobbling the tasteless food
As I kept swimming in circles

The little girl giggled and clapped
As I kept swimming in circles

My sorrow sighs drowned in her squeals
As I kept swimming in circles

She had friends to play with
As I kept swimming in circles

I stared at the glass wall surrounding me
As I kept swimming in circles

Where are my friends, I cried
As I kept swimming in circles

My tears lost in the water surrounding me
As I kept swimming in circles

keeping my heartbreak a secret
As I kept swimming in circles

I knocked my head against the glass
As I kept swimming in circles

Hoping I'd go back to the sea
As I kept swimming in circles

Alas, I was flushed into murky waters
As I kept swimming in circles


  1. The repetition of the chant format works really well with your subject! I liked the sound of the kenning "sorrow-sighs". The last line, to me, seemed unnecessary; you could end with him still swimming in circles hoping for the sea, and it would fit thematically.

    1. Thank you. :)
      I felt the end seemed odd, so added a kind of concluding line. Maybe, I should have let it be.
